I am enough

Only the other week I was watching a video from Marisa Peer about the biggest disease affecting humanity these days: the lack of self-worth. And I know this disease to be true for I suffered from it for years.

The worst feeling in the world is the feeling of lacking any worth. It ill make us try to compensate the situation with all kinds of unhealthy ways, neither of which will actually make us feel better. On the contrary they will make us feel even worse. They might actually make us succeed in some area of our lives, but because we are still thinking that we are not the real deal, that success won’t mean a thing to us. Validation we might get from others will only sound like hollow words in our ears, if we ourselves don’t believe it.

For years this was true to me, too. No matter how good I was in my job and my life, I still felt I wasn’t enough. I have moved a long way from those days, but even though I thought I already knew my own self-worth, just the other week I noticed, that I’m still making some of my decisions based on other people’s good, not my own. So I still seem to have more to do in my self-worth issues.

I decided to take some ease steps to correct the situation. According to the examples Marisa shares in her video I, too, wrote “I am enough” on my mirror, that I have on my desk and see every day! Actually I kind of like seeing my own picture with those validating words at the same time! They make me feel pretty good about myself. Whenever I look at those words I feel I don’t have to strive for any other form of validation anymore.

This is a very cheap and effective way to feel good in an instant. I really recommend it to everyone. All you need to do is write on a post-it-note the magic words and post it anywhere you easily can and will see every day. It is guaranteed to give a boost on your self-worth every time you see it.

Watch the video in here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw3NyUMLh7Y&t=14s
More about amazing Marisa in here: https://www.marisapeer.com/
(at the moment you even get a FREE Self Esteem Mini-Course from Marisa in her website)


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